Now, all Jyoti Bikash Bank users will get Rs 100 instant bonus after linking their bank account in Khalti with “Khalti Bank Direct” for the first time. It’ll allow users to make direct payment from their bank account without loading the wallet. Best part of it is it takes less than a minute to link.
With this Jyoti Bikash Bank users will be able to send or receive money directly from their Khalti app, transfer to a bank account without adding money in their wallet as the money will be directly deducted from the bank account.
Customers will get a Rs 100 bonus immediately after linking their Jyoti Bikash Bank account with Khalti. In order to link the bank account of Jyoti Bikash, the customer must have subscribed to mobile banking in their bank account.
Khalti Bank Direct feature is not just limited to sending money; this feature makes it easier for the user for all kinds of payments. During payments, users can simply select service, enter details and while making payments select Linked Bank Account and pay directly from the bank account.
Khalti is an emerging mobile payment solution in Nepal that makes all payments quick and easy, saving users’ time and energy. It provides various utility bill payment services, mobile recharge, DTH recharge, domestic flight booking, movie ticketing, event ticketing, hotel booking, newspaper subscriptions, payments at online shopping sites, and insurance premium payments among various other digital payments services. It also saves money providing cashbacks on various payment services. Khalti is a licensed Payment Service Provider from Nepal Rastra Bank. Currently, more than 13 lakhs people regularly use Khalti for various bill payments services.